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Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your career, and even feel happier and healthier while supporting others in the community and our Churches.

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Paula will guide you. Contact her by email or on 01208 809601.


Bodmin Way and its churches have over 140 volunteers. Why don’t you become one too? You will find a great sense of purpose and camaraderie.  Volunteering at Bodmin Way makes you feel better. In volunteering alongside others and in hosting valuable activities, it warms you inside. You become part of a meaningful purpose. You help others while helping yourself. 

Isn’t it only for the religious? No, not really. The purpose of Bodmin Way is to provide a stronger sense of community and to support people’s wellbeing. Religious people feel drawn to do that, but so do many others. We are a team of people committed to serving our town. We are a team of people who enjoy contributing together. The priority is the benefit to people and the community. 

Interested? Why not talk to our staff and see what’s happening, obtain more information and an application form.

You can contact us on 01208 809601 or by email.



  • Margaret helps run the community larder. ‘We get deliveries twice a week’ she says. ‘Food that would otherwise go to landfill. Our members get good value and I feel like I am doing something for our world and for our community’. 

  • Joanna helps serve refreshments at the Time Together friendship café on Wednesdays. ‘You’ve got to laugh. We’ve some real characters. They bring their stories and inject fun into our games. They cheer me up no end.’

  • Rob helps host concerts at St. Petroc’s Church. You might find him selling tickets or working behind the bar. ‘We have some great bands coming to play’, he says. ‘It’s always a good night’s entertainment. Better than sitting at home watching telly. Helping out means I am getting out. Part of the crew’. 

There are many volunteering opportunities for the 5 churches in the Bodmin Team ministry and for the activities delivered through Bodmin Way social enterprise. These range from administration, helping with adult or child focussed activities, organising and / or supporting fundraising activities and events, befriending and giving advice/guidance and many more. Your skills and time as a volunteer are highly valued and gratefully received to help us in our support work in our local communities.

Our volunteer team is a mix of people from all walks of life, each of whom have their own personal reasons for wanting to be a volunteer. Some are volunteering to gain experience. Some volunteer to support a cause which is meaningful to them. Some want to use their skills and experience to help others. Some want to do something completely new. For everyone there is the opportunity to make new friends. Everyone is making a difference. Most volunteers decide to volunteer regularly, committing to helping out as part of a team. Sometimes volunteers prefer to volunteer ad hoc. The choice is yours.


New volunteers will be assisted to join by the Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). They will help you to identify volunteering opportunities, and connect you with group and activity leaders if you need to find out more. The PSO will also support you through applying to volunteer and completing any necessary forms, as well as making sure your introduction to the team and any training you need or wish to do is provided.


At Bodmin Way we do ask that all volunteers follow our safe recruitment process. Once you are a part of the volunteer team, you will receive a volunteering agreement, together with a small volunteer handbook of important information.

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