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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.

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Paula Martin is our parish Safeguarding Officer. 

Please use the red button to send an email.

Alternatively call 01208 809601 and choose option 7.


Everyone in the Bodmin Team Ministry and in the Bodmin Way social enterprise team tries very hard to operate as a big happy family. We are a team. In the event that anyone internally or externally has a safeguarding concern, we want you to know who you can turn to for help.

The first thing to say, is if you believe someone is in serious danger, including a threat to life, you should always call 999 and report this to the police as an emergency.

However, if you have other concerns, or if you are worried or frightened about a situation which involves a child or someone who may be a vulnerable adult, we have a team at hand to help. We can refer concerns to a specially trained person, and we can help you to help us to look after everyone’s safety. Caring for people is a very important part of our Christian life.


If you need to speak to Paula Martin, the safeguarding officer who covers all the Parishes in the Bodmin Team Ministry, please send an email or you can email the Team Rector The Rev'd Paul Holley.


You can also call the team office on 01208 809601. Simply choose option 7 to speak to the Safeguarding Officer. You do not need to give any details. Alternatively speak to a member of the office team and they will put you in touch.

Alternatively, you can contact the following:

  • Diocese of Truro: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01872 274351 or use this form

  • Out of Hours for after 5pm and weekends: 01208 251300

  • In an emergency either Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116
    Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131



  • Promoting a safer environment and culture

  • Safely recruiting and supporting all those with responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults

  • Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation

  • Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse or other affected persons

  • Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns/allegations of abuse and other affected persons

  • Responding to those that may pose a present risk


The Parochial Church Councils of all churches in the Bodmin Team Ministry, together with the Board of Directors for Bodmin Way Social enterprise, have agreed to accept as a minimum the House of Bishops’ Policy Statements:
•    Promoting a Safer Church; House of Bishops policy statement (2017)

The Bodmin Team Ministry also has a local Policy relating to safe recruitment of volunteers, which you can read here.


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