It’s great when a group of young people all have something interesting to say during a discussion.
Questions about sport raised a variety of responses:
What makes a good coach?
Who are your biggest supporters?
Do you win well or badly and how does it affect others?
How does the term ‘win at all costs’ make you feel?
Do you think God is most like a referee, coach or teammate and why?
What’s the difference between sport and exercise?
Young people raised their own thought-provoking questions, also leading to discussions, for example: “Is robotic sport a sport?” “No.” “So, do you have to be human to say a sport is being played?” “What is a human anyway?”
All this philosophical pondering, after games to exercise our bodies (or was it sport?!) and followed by a song and word game summing up the session.

SPY Youth Event, on the first Sunday of each month, is part of SPY Network for young people 9+.

To join the network and participate in activities of your choice, contact