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The Commonwealth Games The Bodmin Way


The Bodmin Way Games took place at St. Petroc’s Parish Centre yesterday afternoon; the day before the start of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

Its fun games mirrored the Commonwealth Games, with competitions such as pole vaulting, flamingo wrestling, para lawn bowls, beach volleyball, shot put, relay, hockey and triathlon, all with our own take.

After looking at the 72 flags of the competing countries and territories in this year’s Commonwealth Games, the teams selected to represent Bangladesh and Tanzania.

The opening ceremony was a grand affair, including music and a parade of the country’s flags.

Competitors worked towards bronze, silver and gold for themselves as well as their country.

Each game had a theme, a Bible text and reflection questions that made a link between the events and the Christian faith. This question generated lively responses: “Do you think God is most like a referee, coach or teammate and why?” Another was: “How might it feel to be a part of God’ team?”

It was wonderful to see super teamwork, loyalty and determination. Competitors showed appreciation towards everyone who took part as well as those who achieved the top three spots, in these friendly games.

The performance standard was high and enabled every competitor to achieve at least one award.

At the closing ceremony certificates were presented to the individual medal winners. The country winning gold was Tanzania with silver for Bangladesh.

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