On Wednesday 1 November 2023, a poppy was installed outside St Petroc’s Church, Bodmin.

The instigator, Sadie Oakley, was determined to create a striking, poignant and respectful display that she hopes will be appreciated by local military families, the congregation, and wider community.
Hundreds of poppies were required to bring the vision into reality, and, thanks to a much appreciated donation from the Royal British Legion, 300 altar poppies and several large poppies to decorate the church’s castellations, were at Sadie’s disposal.
Left photograph, from left to right, Eddie Wiles Royal British Legion, Revd Paul Holley and Andrew Sadleir churchwarden
The installation will be illuminated each evening, until Sunday 12 November. It’s offered as a focal point for those passing and visiting the church. It will be something special and new for this year that will continue as an annual memorial.

Revd Paul Holley said: “A vivid poppy display outside of church will prompt townsfolk to reflect as we approach Remembrance Sunday. Displays such as this have been appreciated up and down the country. I am very pleased we can offer this at St Petroc’s”.
Remembrance is something Sadie is passionate about because it acknowledges the sacrifices servicepersons made in both past and present day conflicts. She is also mindful of families who miss loved ones when they are deployed, often for months at a time. Service members emphasise they remember their comrades every day of the year, and Sadie is keen to commemorate the very real cost of conflict at least once a year, around Remembrance Sunday.
With the support of Revd Paul Holley, churchwardens and the Royal British Legion, Sadie has created a simple installation that she trusts will do justice to those who have made, are making and will make military sacrifices for the good of others.
The British Legion has given 150 small crosses that pupils from St Petroc’s Primary School will insert into the grass at the west end of the church in time for the procession from Priory Park to the church on Remembrance Sunday.
Acts of remembrance for the town
A short service will be held outside Shire Hall, Mount Folly, on Saturday 11 November, at 10.50am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
On Sunday 12 November, at 10am, the main Wreath Laying service for the town will take place at Priory Memorial, Priory Park, Bodmin, followed by a Service of Remembrance, in St Petroc’s Church, Bodmin, at 10.50am, with light refreshments in church afterwards. Everyone is welcome to attend.