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Easter Experience Cardynham 2024


Excited pupils from Cardinham school arrived at St Meubred’s church on the Wednesday before Easter to travel back in time to experience the Easter story at first hand.

Volunteers from the church welcomed them to first century Jerusalem, depicted in four tableaux where they imagined themselves amongst the crowds welcoming Jesus on Palm Sunday.

They joined in Jesus’ special meal with his friends on Maundy Thursday where he washed his friends’ feet and shared bread and wine (ribena!) with them. They stood at the foot of the cross on Good Friday and at the entrance to the empty tomb on Easter Sunday.

Alongside the drama they explored questions from the school curriculum. What is the good news Christians believe Jesus brings? What kind of world did Jesus want? Why Christians call when He died Good Friday? What does Easter mean to Christians? To finish the pupils were given a small Easter egg. They are looking forward to coming back next year.



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