Experiencing TikTok’s positive power at Bodmin Keep.
Fran Singleton, trainee curator at Bodmin Keep, allowed club members to act as youth trainee curators and contribute to the Keep’s TicTok account. Armed with ipads and inspiration from Fran’s TikToks, we explored the museum to select items of interest to capture.
We saw things usually only seen by curators as we visited storerooms and the attic.
Short videos were created, edited and uploaded. If they are up to scratch, they might be visible soon on: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/bodminkeep?lang=en
Fran demonstrated what is done to prepare uniforms for an exhibition. Soft brush and tiny vacuum are the tools needed before putting a hat (shako) on the head of a mannequin.
After some refreshments we went to Priory Park for a game of football, before going to The Pad, Honey Street, for video games and hot, tasty food.
Finally, we went to the parish centre, next to Priory Park, for our second Saturday of the month youth club. After a very active afternoon, we sat down together to try our hand at making and mending. Some of the young people already knew how to sew on a button or at least had an inkling and improved their skills by starting to create a button mosaic.

From 2pm to 7.30pm club members acted as youth trainee curators, increased their tech skills and historical knowledge by creating TikToks, including music, drama and dressing up, participated in sports, enjoyed video games and crafts at the youth club. It was all too much for some!

Our next youth event is The Bodmin Games on Wednesday 27th July, 2pm to 5pm at the parish centre, for a fun afternoon of activities that mirror the Commonwealth Games. Open to 11 to 16-year olds but booking is essential at info@bodminway.org. Parents will also be required to submit a Bodmin Way Youth Club parental consent form, available for download here.
The next youth club is on Saturday 13th August, 6.30pm to 7.30pm, at the parish centre.