Our team of volunteers and ministers have an inbuilt spirit and a fervor to help people.
A listening ear helps connect people with the right organisations to assist them with professional advice aiming to improve their wellbeing and health.

Rev'd Elaine Munday
Pioneer Minister
Whatever the challenge, whatever the crisis we will listen and support you
We take the opportunity wherever we meet people in the community to encourage them to talk about their challenges. Our events at Time Together friendship group, Community Space, in our churches and numerous others give us many opportunities to engage with people.
The challenges they face may be financial (although not always), medical, bureaucracy, technical or any number of today's problems. The challenges of covid, lockdowns, employment, energy bills, access to health services, the cost of living crisis and poverty continue to cause great anxiety.
Here are a few common examples of the people and organisations we engage with to help people in our community:
The Bodmin Way Parish Nurse
The Bodmin Way Larder
Healthy Cornwall - providing lifestyles information, tools and support to help people live a healthier and happier life
Community Energy Plus - for independent energy advice including grants for insulation and heating
Our Bodmin Way contributors and partners